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FAQs About Malie’s Organic Body Polish
Body Polish, known by some as a body scrub or gentle body exfoliant, is a nourishing way to remove dead skin cells and excess debris from the top layer of the skin. Malie’s body polishes are primarily sugar-based scrubs (aside from our Coconut Vanilla aroma) intended to reveal a brighter surface of the skin and a healthy glow. They are to be used in the shower or bath as part of your cleansing routine.
Sugar, Jojoba Oil, Sunflower OIl, Castor Oil, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Tapioca Starch, Hawaiian Hydrosols and Vitamin E Oil, are the main ingredients used in Malie’s Body Polish.
Body Polish from Malie is intended to be used 3 times per week for best results.
Yes! We recommend using our Body Polish with ournatural body washandbody lotion. Please note, however, that our body scrubs are naturally moisturizing due to the oils within the formula. That means that while you’re welcome to use a body cream,botanical butter bun, orbody gloss after using a Body Polish, you don’t have to in order to reap the benefits of healthy, silky, glowing skin.